MAWi is helping manufacturing companies transition to Industry 4.0

May 16, 2023

The Background Story

An established US-based manufacturing company, specializing in well-designed kitchen and bath faucets, has implemented MAWi across all its production floors. This move has allowed the company to optimize its manufacturing process and achieve greater efficiency.


The manufacturing company’s operations span across three different sites and include more than 80 production lines, with approximately 20 assembly workstations per line. To streamline its complex manufacturing processes, the company has implemented MAWi across all of its sites.

The problem


The production floor managers have to assign each worker with the product assembly design plan for each shift. On several occasions, those plans would change 3-5 times a day to handle manufacturing demands.

The company uses SAP as its ERP system and utilizes PTC’s ThingWorkx integration tool for extracting the products’ designs and assembly data from SAP. The integration tool exports a multi-page PDF file for each product, where each page contains a detailed assembly description.

To assign each worker their work plan for the day, production floor managers would print dozens of PDF files and distribute them accordingly.

Managing work plans across more than 80 dynamically-operated production lines was an extremely tedious and inefficient process, not to mention the excessive paper waste. The company was searching for a simple and straightforward solution to manage their work plans and display the necessary assembly plans on the corresponding workstations.

The solution

After conducting some research, the company found a much better solution – MAWi by Monitors AnyWhere. MAWi offers multiple connectivity options, enabling users to connect multiple screens at the same or remote sites and display various types of content.


After careful consideration, the company opted to use MAWi Zero, which utilizes HDMI over LAN Zero clients. Given the harsh conditions in manufacturing lines, such as fumes, dust, and high temperatures, zero clients were the optimal choice. As they lack a CPU, operating system, memory, or moving parts, they are exceptionally reliable.


With its user-friendly web-based interface and robust REST API, MAWi allows production floor managers to easily push any page of a PDF to any screen on the workstations through a simple drag-and-drop action.


MAWi provides the perfect solution for controlling and assigning work plans on the manufacturing floor, resulting in a quick, efficient, environment-friendly, and error-free process.



The implementation of MAWi has allowed the manufacturing company to streamline their production process, saving time and money, while also reducing paper waste. With MAWi, the production floor managers can easily manage and display assembly plans on the relevant workstations, ensuring that workers have access to the most up-to-date information. Overall, MAWi has provided the manufacturing company with a simple and effective solution for managing their manufacturing process.

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